
Moving Pictures About Stuff


These are a few examples of videos and talks I have made about my research. More can be found through my homepage and my research channel on Youtube

Visual Rhythm and Beat (SIGGRAPH 2018):

Computational Video Editing (SIGGRAPH 2017):

Interactive Dynamic Video (SIGGRAPH Asia 2015)

"New video technology that reveals an object's hidden properties" (TED 2015)

Visual Vibrometry (CVPR 2015, PAMI 2017)

The Visual Microphone (SIGGRAPH 2014)

Unstructured Light Fields

Fast High-Dimensional Filtering Using the Permutohedral Lattice

This was my first publication (with the brilliant Andrew Adams and Jongmin Baek), and first research video. Funny enough, it remains one of my most highly cited papers; largely because other people found clever ways to use it in conditional random fields, and, more recently, convolutional neural nets.

More old projects and videos are linked from my publications page.